We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. ~Hebrews 6:19a

Anchored Women exists to provide women of all ages and all walks of life a place where they can grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus Christ, our anchor.  It is our desire that every woman know that she is wanted and welcome to come and grow alongside others as we seek to know, to love and to live for the Lord. In the midst of the busyness of life, we pray you will find this a place where you anchor your soul to the hope we have in Christ.


Anchored Women Spring Bible Studies

Tuesdays | 9:30am & 6:30pm

Wednesdays | 6:30pm

Tuesdays | 9:30am & 6:30pm | Children's Theater

Isaiah served as God’s mouthpiece to the nation of Judah but also to the surrounding nations. His message echoes into our lives today as we read his call to rely on the Lord. Using the genres of poetry, narrative, and prophecy, Isaiah communicated clearly that followers of God could trust in Him.

As you study the chapters Isaiah wrote—from his challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come—learn to rest in God's promises and grow in trust. Unpacking Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you'll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you.

Join us for this 7-week class as we learn from Isaiah. Class begins Tuesday, April 9th.

Book: "Isaiah" by Melissa Spoelstra

Cost is $30 (The first 40 registrants will receive a book the first day of class). Childcare available for Tuesday morning class only: $50/1st child; $45/2nd child; $40/3rd child.

Wednesdays | 6:30pm | WPAC

A.W. Tozer famously said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”  Who is God? What is He like? How does He relate to His people?

The Attributes of God is a 7-week study that equips believers to:

-Understand the depths and richness of the character of God.

-Learn how to reflect God's communicable attributes in everyday life.

-Recognize how God's attributes reveal His character, our sin, and the gospel.

Book: "Attributes of God" by Daily Grace Co.

Cost is $15 (The first 30 registrants will receive a book the first day of the class)

Performing Arts Room (first room on the left going into the WPAC) Children's programming available.

For questions or more information, contact Tammy.


Movie Night

Thursday, July 22, 7pm

In the Lot

Ladies, enjoy a fun evening with other ladies featuring “Mom’s Night Out!" Bring your own lawn chair and make yourself comfy. Concessions available with minimal cost beginning at 7pm in the WPAC. There is no cost to attend the event, but we do ask that you register.


Tuesday Evening Bible Study:
Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

Tuesdays through August 3, 6:30 - 8pm

Kidz Theater

Discover the root to clear and daily communication with God - humble obedience.  Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.  Study led by Kristi Layden.

Cost $20.  Childcare will not be available for the evening study.  Event dates: June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 20, 27; August 3.


G2 Mentoring Ministry Coffee Connection

Sunday, August 22, 2pm

Sossamon Chapel

Are you new to FBCIT and looking for a way to meet new people and get connected? Or have you been a member and are looking for a way to get involved in a Bible study or have more accountability in your spiritual growth?

Getting involved in G2 could be just what you are looking for! G2, which stands for "Generation to Generation," is a women's multi-generational ministry that centers around Bible study. Women are paired, one-on-one, for a 14-week session of Bible study, praying together and investing in one another's lives. It's a great way to pour over the Scriptures, pour into each other's lives and strengthen your walk with Jesus.

It all starts by coming to our Coffee Connection, which is a great time of fellowship and provides you with all the details about G2. Join us on August 22 and check out how you can be involved in this dynamic ministry! It might be just what you need in your journey with Christ!

Still have questions or need more information?

Joy Joiner

Women's Ministry Coordinator

Tammy Mercer

Ministry Assistant